태그 보관물: 세제

캠페인보다 효과적인 한마디 ‘남들은 다 이렇게 합니다’ (Social norm)

자영업자가 친환경 화장품을 만들어 팔 때, 소비자들이 자연스럽게 가치소비를 하게 하려면 어떤 방식을 사용해야 할까요?

“가치 소비하는 모습을 과시할 수 있도록 만들어주면 좋습니다. 친환경 세제를 사는 나의 모습이 다른 사람의 눈에 보일 때, 사람들은 친환경 세제를 선호합니다. “

가치소비를 위한 조건
#소비 에 대한 의식과 행동의 차이
#가치소비 실행을 위한 방법 제안
– 가치소비의 역효과와 지속성 등
#주재우 교수 (국민대 경영학과)
#KBS1라디오 #경제라디오 #성공예감이대호입니다 #성공예감 #이대호 #경제심층인터뷰 #성공예감심화학습 #성공예감인터뷰 #경제


Reference 1

Luchs, M. G., Walker Naylor, R., Irwin, J. R., & Raghunathan, R. (2010). The sustainability liability: Potential negative effects of ethicality on product preference. Journal of Marketing, 74(5), 18–31.

Manufacturers are increasingly producing and promoting sustainable products (i.e., products that have a positive social and/or environmental impact). However, relatively little is known about how product sustainability affects consumers’ preferences. The authors propose that sustainability may not always be an asset, even if most consumers care about social and environmental issues. The degree to which sustainability enhances preference depends on the type of benefit consumers most value for the product category in question. In this research, the authors demonstrate that consumers associate higher product ethicality with gentleness-related attributes and lower product ethicality with strength-related attributes. As a consequence of these associations, the positive effect of product sustainability on consumer preferences is reduced when strength-related attributes are valued, sometimes even resulting in preferences for less sustainable product alternatives (i.e., the “sustainability liability”). Conversely, when gentleness-related attributes are valued, sustainability enhances preference. In addition, the authors show that the potential negative impact of sustainability on product preferences can be attenuated using explicit cues about product strength.


Reference 2

Doo, M., & Joo, J. (2016). The impact of purchase context on the preferences for environmentally friendly products: Moderated by package color. Archives of Design Research, 29(1), 157–167.

Background Environmentally friendly products are extensively studied and the effect of purchase context on consumers’ preferences for them has been much investigated. However, the effect of product design has been little discussed. Methods In the present work, we conducted two experiments to test whether package color, one component of product design, moderates the effect of purchase context on consumers’ preferences for environmentally friendly products, and obtained two findings. Result First, when purchase context is conspicuous, consumers’ preferences for environmentally friendly products increase. Second, product design moderates the effect of purchase context; when the package color is environmentally friendly (blue), consumers’ preferences for environmentally friendly products increase as the purchase context becomes conspicuous. However, preferences do not increase when the package color is not environmentally friendly (magenta). Conclusions We discuss the academic contribution and managerial implications of our findings to provide insights into product designers as well as marketing practitioners.

합리적 가격의 ‘착한 제품’: 주방세제에 구수한 바람을 일으키다

ed8ab8eba6acec98a4-eab3a1ebacbcec84a4eab1b0eca7802011“합리적 가격의 ‘착한 제품’: 주방세제에 구수한 바람을 일으키다” (동아비즈니스리뷰, 201302)pdf-icon

2008년 출시된 ‘트리오 곡물설거지’는 우윳빛을 띠고 구수한 누룽지향이 나는 제품으로 ‘주방세제는 투명하고 상쾌한 과일향이 나야 한다’는 고정관념을 깼다. 애경은 원료에서 계면활성제의 비율을 낮춰 기존 ‘마일드’ 세제들에 비해 가격경쟁력을 가지면서도 저자극, 친환경이라는 느낌을 주는 제품을 만들기 위해 곡물 콘셉트를 이용했다. 그 결과 글로벌 경제위기, 포화될 대로 포화된 시장, 사내의 회의적인 시선이라는 악조건 속에서 연평균 50% 가까운 성장세를 달성했고 1년 만에 CJ, LG생활건강 등 경쟁사에서도 비슷한 제품을 출시함으로써 ‘저가마일드’라는 시장의 새로운 카테고리가 형성됐다.