태그 보관물: Lynn Hasher

나이들수록 ‘이 지능’은 더 발달한다 (Wisdom)

나이가 들수록 발달하는 기능은 없나요?

“나이가 들면 지혜가 생깁니다. 심리학자들은 지혜를 삶과 관련된 어렵고 불확실한 이슈에 대한 전문가 수준의 판단으로 정의합니다. 삶과 관련된 이슈는 주로 여러 사람의 건강, 가족, 대인관계 문제이기 때문에 판단을 내리기 어렵습니다.”

*행동경제학개론 나이 먹는 것
#나이#외로움 의 관계, 모험성의 축소
– 나이와 #행복 의 관계, #행동경제학 적 분석
– 나이 들수록 필요한 것은 지식이 아닌 지혜
#주재우 교수 (국민대학교 경영학과)
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Staudinger, U. M., Maciel, A. G., Smith, J., & Baltes, P. B. (1998). What predicts wisdom‐related performance? A first look at personality, intelligence, and facilitative experiential contextsEuropean Journal of Personality12(1), 1-17.

Wisdom has long been suggested as a desired goal of development (see e.g. Clayton and Birren, 1980; Erikson, 1959; Hall, 1922; Staudinger and Baltes, 1994). Questions concerning the empirical investigation of wisdom and its ontogeny, however, are largely still open. It is suggested that besides person characteristics, certain types of experience may facilitate wisdom-related performance. A sample of clinical psychologists (n=36) and highly educated control professionals (n=54) ranging in age from 25 to 82 years responded verbally to two wisdom-related tasks involving life planning and completed a psychometric battery of intelligence and personality measures. Three primary findings were obtained. First, training and practice in clinical psychology was the strongest predictor of wisdom-related performance (26%) and, in addition, showed some overlap with personality variables in this predictive relationship. Second, 14% of the variance in wisdom-related performance was accounted for by standard psychometric measures of personality and intelligence. Personality variables were stronger predictors than variables of intelligence. Important personality predictors were Openness to Experience and a middle-range location on the Introversion–Extraversion dimension. Third, wisdom-related performance maintained a sizable degree of measurement independence (uniqueness). Predictive relationships were consistent with research on naive conceptions of wisdom and our own theoretical account of the ontogenesis of wisdom-related performance.